CLICK HERE to find out what it will look like from various locations. You can zoom, tilt the globe, or select a new location. THIS IS GREAT! It shows what it will look like from your location, including the timing. *See credits below.
Producer: Kevin Hussey
Ranger Task Manager: Marc Pomerantz
Software Engineering Team Lead: Andrew Boettcher
JPL Ranger Software Engineering team: Andrew Boettcher, Michael Hans, Anton Kulikov, Mi Nguyen, Marc Pomerantz, Michael Sandoval, Davit Stepanyan, Brian Wright
Additional JPL support: Jason Craig, Matthew Garcia, Kevin Hussey, Daniel Sedlacko
UI Design and Development: Moore Boeck
Copyright 2017, by the California Institute of Technology. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology.